Page 10 - summer_2013_econnect

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Laura Abel
, Newport
News Campus Health
Information Manage-
ment Program Director,
has been selected by the
members of the Virginia
Health Information Man-
agement Association to
the position of “Elected
Karitsa McCoy
a member of the
mathematics fac-
ulty on the Virginia
Beach campus, has
won the American
Taekwondo Asso-
ciation (ATA) Virginia
State Championship
for 2013 in the 18-29
age groups, placing
first in Traditional
Forms, Weapons,
and Sparring.
Poonam Jain
, Director of
Financial Aid at the Greenville
Campus, has surpassed 100
hours of tutoring for math
and English as a volunteer
with Greenville Literacy.
Pamela Creef
, a Business
Development Specialist at the
Virginia Beach campus, has
been selected as Vice Presi-
dent for the Chesapeake Task
Force on Aging. She is also a
board member of the Kiwanis
Club of Norfolk, and serves on
committees at Montero Medi-
cal Missions and the Arthritis
Ashley Propst
, a Health-
care Administration
student on the Virginia
Beach campus, won the
bookstore’s t-shirt design
contest. Her creation
reminds everyone about
importance of HIPAA
education. “Information
privacy is tremendously
important in today’s
healthcare environment,”
she says. “We had a
recent graduate who was
selected for a position
purely based on her ex-
tensive HIPAA knowledge.
Dr. Wael Ibrahim
Program Director in Vir-
ginia Beach, has been
selected as a reviewer
for two Department of
Education panels: Up-
ward Bound Math and
Science and Veterans
Upward Bound pro-
grams. The panels are
tasked with evaluating
eligibility, merit and
impact of submitted
proposals to determine
funding levels.
Renee Turner,
a career advisor
on the Newport News campus,
has been named an Ambas-
sador for the Virginia Penin-
sula Chamber of Commerce.
Ambassadors help promote
the initiatives of the chamber
through a variety of business
development activities and
events. Additionally, Ambassa-
dors interact with small busi-
nesses and organizations to
increase the membership of the