5 Excuses for Not Going Back to College: Busted!

5 Excuses for Not Going Back to College: Busted!

So, you want to go back to school and finally earn a degree but something is holding you back. You can't seem to take that next step. You have doubts and fears which are clouding your mind. If you want to go back to school, but you just can't bring yourself to enroll, think about your reasons for not doing so. Are any of them on this list?

5. I'm too Old

No one likes to feel out of touch. If you're worried about stepping into a classroom full of Snapchatting 18-year-olds, you don't need to worry. The demographics of college students have changed greatly in the last few years, with many people over 24 realizing the benefits to higher education. You may still have some younger people in your classes, but chances are you'll in no way be the odd one out.

Consider checking into local universities in your area which may be designed for working adults returning to school. A university such as this may even offer classes online, or during nights or weekends, to fit into busy adult schedules. 

4. I Can't Afford It

College costs have many people concerned about how to afford an education. Thankfully, there are a variety of options to help. Look into grants and scholarships. Contact local universities and ask about tuition assistance or any other programs for which you may be eligible. Regardless of how you fund it, a college degree really can streamline many other aspects of life--paying for itself in the long run. 

3. I Won't be able to Balance Work, School, and Family Life

College is a huge time commitment. Not only do you have to go class, but you will have homework, projects, and studying to do once you get home. It's no wonder people worry about how to juggle school with work, family, community obligations, and everything else. 

It's ok if it's hard. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. It will take some adjustment and probably some trial and error, but eventually you'll settle into the new schedule. Some colleges even offer accelerated degree programs -- meaning that you could earn a bachelor's degree by studying hard for approximately 2.5 years. It's much quicker than four years! 

2. I Won't be able to take Care of my Children

Parents are faced with a difficult challenge when deciding to go back to school. Who will care for their children while they're learning? But like balancing school, work, and family, you have to use your resources and find a schedule that fits.

Again, this won't be easy. But it's not impossible. When you're in school you might be away from your little ones, but when you are, you will be showing them that you are making sacrifices, learning new skills, and working hard to provide for them.

Don't forget -- in this modern era, most things can be done online. Check into accredited online universities and determine whether this solution could work for you. You'll need to have a strong internet connection and the discipline to stay on-task. 

1. I've been out of the Classroom for too Long

One major concern for those who haven't been in school for a long time is that they will be too unaccustomed to classroom learning to succeed. But there isn't any secret to getting back into the swing of things. Bring your books to class, take notes, ask questions, study hard, and it will all come back to you. You may even find it easier this time around -- often when we're young we don't engage in learning activities. As we age and work more, the details, logistics, and enthusiasm come into clearer focus. You may be surprised to find yourself a model student this time around! 

Even if your skills are rusty, you can polish them back up soon enough. The most important goal you'll have as a student is being persistent and dedicated. It doesn't matter if you're out of practice, as long as you keep going and keep improving,  you can get yourself back in the game.

5 Excuses for Not Going Back to College: Busted!

Were you holding onto any of these excuses yourself? If you're ready to head back into the classroom and earn a degree, consider ECPI University to help you get back in the game. With year-round classes and an accelerated schedule, you could earn your degree faster and start working sooner. Don't hesitate. Connect a friendly admissions advisor today to discuss your future.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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