Accelerated Degree Programs: Is ECPI University's Pace Right For Me?

Accelerated Degree Programs: Is ECPI University's Pace Right For Me?

If you’re researching where to go to college, you’ve no doubt heard about accelerated programs. But what does that mean exactly? How fast are these programs and how are they different from a traditional schedule? What will your days or nights look like if you decide to go to ECPI University

How does ECPI University’s Accelerated Schedule Function?

ECPI University has terms, instead of semesters. Each term lasts five weeks. The next term begins right after after the previous one ends. There’s a one-week summer break around the beginning of July and another toward the end of the year. Otherwise, class is always in session.

Compare this to traditional colleges and universities where fulltime students typically take five classes per semester. At ECPI University, they take two classes per term. So instead of classes lasting four months and having to concentrate on several classes at one time, ECPI University students can focus on two classes per term, and really immerse themselves in the learning experience.

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Why Choose a School with an Accelerated College Schedule?

Not everyone is looking for a prolonged college experience. Many are willing to forgo the social side of school in order to graduate much sooner. ECPI University’s accelerated schedule is also ideal for working adults. And with day, evening, weekend, and online classes, students have the flexibility to complete their degrees while attending to work, family life, and other personal obligations.

Moreover, your school year can begin anytime you wish. You don’t have to wait for the next semester to begin, just the next five-week term. Before you know it, you'll have a degree in hand, long before your peers attending traditional universities.

How Easy is it to Follow an Accelerated College Schedule?

If you’re looking for something that’s easy, you probably not ready for college. Does an accelerated schedule present a different way of learning? Yes, but depending on your work schedule and learning style, these differences may work in your favor.

Some students find it difficult to juggle so many classes in addition to personal obligations. When you only have to focus on two classes at a time, some learners can concentrate better and perform in class more efficiently than if they were following a traditional schedule. Also, traditional schedules make it harder to work, which for some students is an absolute necessity. ECPI University’s schedule can provide the flexibility many people need.

When can I Graduate?

For a student who begins with no college credits, doesn't miss a term, and is in good academic standing, they could graduate with an associate degree in as little as 1.5 years, or a bachelor's in 2.5 years. Some students might take longer due to setbacks, whether personal or academic. Some students may be able to accelerate the process even further if they transfer in college or military credits. Speaking with an admissions advisor is the best way to know just how long it will take before you're walking across that stage.

Is an Accelerated Schedule Right for Me?

Spend some time thinking about your current schedule, educational expectations, and your previous experiences with attending school. Do you have the time to devote to your classes and homework? Do you usually thrive in fast-paced environments? Are you ready for the challenges of higher education? Do you want to spend less time on your degree so you can spend more time working toward your goals?

Accelerated Degree Programs: Is ECPI University's Pace Right For Me?

Do you think you’re ready to start earning your degree faster? If you understand the challenges and benefits of an accelerated schedule and are looking to get out of the classroom quickly, ECPI University might be the right place for you. With degrees available on campus and online, a prospective student can get more information by contacting an admissions expert to discuss their options.

So, What are you Waiting for?

Learn more about ECPI  University's Online Degree Programs

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