The Art and Science of being a remarkable IT Manager in today's complex world!  ECPI University

The Art & Science of Being a Remarkable IT Manager

The role of technology in the corporate world is constantly evolving, and has evolved substantially in just the last decade. It should come as no surprise then to learn that the role of an IT manager too has changed to meet the various needs of new technology and business. Today's IT managers operate differently than previous generations as they take more of an integrated role in advising an organization on its informational systems as well as designing and developing unique solutions to aid those systems. 

Most modern IT managers view themselves at the center of a rapidly reshaping business landscape, and see their comprehension of the role of technology as the key to keeping competitive advantage as their biggest asset. It's their job to use this understanding to coordinate the project team to meet the company's demands. 

Whether you've been working in IT for a while and are eager to take the next step up in your career or are new to the field and eager to excel, the pursuit of a degree in IT management might be a great fit for you. Consider the following key skills behind becoming a great IT manager:

Skill No. 1: Balance Specialization with Cross-Functional Expertise.  

While specializing in disciplines like enterprise architecture, global sourcing, and virtualization may make you highly valuable to various corporations, at some point you'll find yourself hitting a wall or otherwise plateauing in your career. The high-demand skills that make you an asset as an individual contributor in a tech field aren't necessarily the same that'll prepare you to take a managerial role. Instead, great managers are strong adapters. They have a broader knowledge and are able to use that with cross-functional expertise to shift talent to meet situational needs. 

Skill No. 2: Build and Maintain Strong Working Relationships.  

A frequently overlooked benefit of enrolling in a managerial program is the working with peers both in leadership and team member roles. The more you work with others, the better you hone the skill of building a strong working relationship among customers, coworkers, and suppliers. Great IT managers shouldn't ask themselves whether they're liked, but rather whether they're successful in improving the relations in their office.

Skill No. 3: Embrace the Analytics.

The art and science of IT management relies on the science of analytics as more and more companies use data dashboards and rely on data analytics to relay information about their clients and company position. Companies who are hiring IT professionals today are looking for those tech-savvy managers who are capable of creating, understanding, and translating these data dashboards into the hard information corporate officials can use. After all, unless the information gathered by applications can be extracted to be used in a meaningful way, such as to influence a marketing approach or a new product launch, then such data collection is useless.

Skill No. 4: Focus on the Strategy.  

The most effective IT managers have a strong comprehension of their organization's strategic focus and are adept at participating in such a way as to shape and implement that strategy. Such managers avoid getting stuck in the weeds with the details and instead work with their team to develop outside of the box solutions. They design and develop the tech solutions that leverage their IT department as a source of competitive advantage for the whole company. Additionally, successful IT managers translate overall strategy into a tactical series of priorities for their team members. When problems develop, IT managers are adept at translating the new needs to their team and adept at changing course to meet the changing business realities. 

Skill No. 5: Stay Up-to-date with Latest Technologies.  

Business technologies are constantly evolving, constantly becoming more integrated with the specific needs of the business. This means that IT managers have to be constantly pushing themselves to learn and become familiar with the latest developments in the IT industry. To do this, it's recommended for managers to consistently participate in industry conferences and webinars, as well as keeping an eye on industry news both within their niche and outside. Managers who go further and participate in industry debates are also able to build a network of tech experts who share and swap advice. 

Being a successful IT manager isn't easy. This is a position that involves much more than just standing around and ordering employees to complete their assignments. Instead, today's IT managers have a much more holistic role as they work with business executives to draft strategies to enhance overall business operations, and work with their IT task force to execute those strategies. They must have the skills to adapt as necessary and keep up-to-date with new technologies that can be adapted to their industry.

Get on the Path to Become an IT Manager

Learn more about becoming an IT manager who understands the art as well as the science of the industry. Contact us about our Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in IT Management today. It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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