Bachelor's To BSN Programs: Are they Worth It?

Bachelor's To BSN Programs: Are they Worth It?

Bachelor's to BSN programs (also known as accelerated nursing programs) are new paths to a nursing degree that offer courses to have graduates job-ready years sooner than a typical nursing degree program. But can students succeed in these degree programs, or is it too good to be true? The answer depends on your knowledge of several key factors regarding success in the program.

What is a Bachelor's to BSN Program?

Countries all over the world routinely face nursing shortages, and America is no exception. The trouble is that unlike with most professions, a nursing shortage won't just cause a slight dip in profits or innovation for a while - people who go without medical care suffer greatly and often even die of treatable illnesses. Society is therefore rarely willing to wait and see if the problem fixes itself. Instead, educational institutions go out of their way to make nursing training more accessible to prospective candidates.

Bachelor's to BSN programs could not only accomplish this goal, but also draw in attractive applicants who have the potential to make top-notch nurses. To apply to such a program, you need to already hold a Bachelor's degree (your major generally doesn't matter although you might have to meet some prerequisites).

The idea is to recognize the fact that you've learned a lot of transferable skills from prior schooling and don't need to start from the absolute bottom again now that you've changed career directions. This holds true even if your studies were completely unrelated - having a degree proves that you can learn, do research, and follow through on your commitments, and these are invaluable skills in any career.

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Why Choose This Path?

While Bachelor's to BSN programs are obviously not the main or only way of getting nursing credentials, they offer some unique benefits over traditional methods. Accelerated nursing programs save students time by maximizing the efficiency of the training. What would take weeks to cover in a traditional program might be wrapped up in just a few days in a Bachelor's to BSN program.

This is important because students who already have degrees generally also have financial responsibilities that they can't afford to neglect. Finishing nursing training sooner lets you get back into the full-time workforce far more quickly, making sure you can get respectable paychecks coming in again as soon as possible.

Another important aspect to consider is the graduation rate of these programs; after all, getting nursing training will do you no good if you can't acquire the credentials you need to practice. The good news is that accelerated nursing programs boast at least equal to and often higher than typical nursing programs.

On top of that, those who graduate from these programs usually have significantly higher GPAs as well, making them standout candidates for the best jobs when they enter the workforce. This might be for any number of reasons (more engaging coursework, the lack of opportunity to quit that a short time frame affords, or even just students' maturity levels), but the important thing is that you won’t miss any opportunities by attending an accelerated program instead of a traditional one.

Beware of Potential Pitfalls

While Bachelor's to BSN programs are clearly worthwhile in terms of benefits, you must also consider the costs they present if you want a true assessment of their value. The most important thing to know before you sign up for one is that 'faster' is in no way synonymous with 'less work'. Becoming a nurse means accepting responsibility for the health of all the patients that put their lives in your hands - that's not a duty to be taken lightly. It would be unethical for a program to reduce the rigor of the coursework just to make it possible to pump out more graduates more quickly.

Instead, accelerated nursing programs simply cut out the extra time students are usually given to contemplate the material and expect them to catch on right away. It shouldn't surprise you to hear there's a lot to learn and even more to practice doing; there's no room for distractions if you want to keep up with the punishing pace.

It's complicated, highly technical work that will wear you down both physically and mentally even in the best of circumstances. In order to pull off this massive undertaking, you'll need to pour as much of your time and energy into the task as possible. Motivation is key: approach your schooling with the knowledge that it's only for a few short months and remind yourself of what the skills you're learning can do for both your life and those of others.

Bachelor's to BSN programs are undeniably challenging, but if you're a go-getter who knows they're in for a steep uphill climb, this course model might be the perfect route for you.

Bachelor's To BSN Programs: Are they Worth It?

Are you interested in changing careers? If you want to go from Bachelor's to Bachelor of Science in Nursing, ECPI University could be the right choice for you. With accelerated classes and a year-round schedule, you could earn your degree sooner and start looking for work faster. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI University's College of Nursing TODAY!

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