Could I Be a Nurse? 7 Ways to Know Nursing Might be for You

Could I Be a Nurse? 7 Ways to Know Nursing Might be for You

Nurses are the glue that keeps the hospital together. They are the people who doctors and patients depend upon for everything from general care to surgical procedures. Not only that, but nursing is a rewarding career that is in high demand.

If the following questions resonate with you, then nursing is a career that could make the maximum use of your talents and interests while giving you plenty of opportunities for career advancement and financial rewards.

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Do You Pride Yourself on Your Professionalism?

Nurses are required to remain professional no matter how stressful the situation may be. From patching up minor wounds and administering medication, to comforting patients facing life and death situations, nurses are required to deliver the best quality care and support at all times.

Whether you are working in a hospital, ambulatory healthcare center, nursing facility, or private clinic, nurses are required to uphold the standards of professional care that their employer demands and that their patients require.

Do You Focus on the Details?

Details are the bedrock of the nursing profession, and this means staying focused on everything from a patient's medical history to a physician's care directives. Nurses are required to ensure that patient's receive the appropriate care from the moment they arrive until the point the patient is discharged.

Can You Communicate Clearly?

Communication is the key to a successful day. Nurses are required to communicate vital information with patients, their family, physicians, and other members of the medical team. This means having the ability to summarize sometimes complex information and medical terminology in a succinct and easily understood manner.

Furthermore, nurses have to have a healthy sense of humor. This helps them stay calm under pressure, but more importantly, it helps put patients at ease, which can actually help expedite the recovery process.

Do You Like to Work in a Team?

Nurses are integral members of the medical team. This team consists of other nurses, anesthesiologists, physicians, surgeons, and many others. Effective nurses are those who can utilize various communication strategies and develop strong interpersonal relationships with the professionals they interact with on a daily basis.

Do You Enjoy a Challenge?

Nursing isn't always a straight forward business. No two days, and no two patients, are the same. This means having the ability to recognize and address complex health issues ranging from traumatic emergencies to less than life threatening discomforts that can arise during treatment. Nurses are problem solvers who can take into account everything from a patient's medical charts to their emotional state when administering treatment.

Nurses also have to enjoy the challenge of a career that requires continuous learning. Medical science is an evolving field and this means that nurses are perpetual students who are required to learn on the job and attend training sessions throughout their career. Nurses must also enjoy the challenge of teaching as they are often called upon to train newly minted nurses as they begin their careers.

Can You Take the Initiative?

Nurses have to be able to think and act quickly. Nurses are not followers, rather they are leaders who are required to quickly assess a patient's needs and deliver the treatment that is required. Nurses have to be prepared to act at all times and must be able to take surprises in stride so that patient health and safety is protected. In many circumstances, nurses are required to take imperfect and incomplete information and translate that into appropriate care.

Can You be both Tough and Compassionate?

Resiliency is the key to success as a professional nurse. Having the ability to work long shifts and deliver the same quality of care from start to finish is critical. Staying healthy and fit are the keys to maintaining the stamina that is necessary to do the job.

Equally important to physical health is mental health. Patients depend on nurses who can empathize with their concerns and provide the compassionate care they need to heal and recover from their injuries and ailments. Nurses are required to develop strong coping mechanisms that can help them process the stresses of the job so that they can continue delivering the quality of care that is expected of them.

Could I Be a Nurse? 7 Ways to Know Nursing Might be for You

Are you interested in becoming a nurse? If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, ECPI University offers this exciting degree at an accelerated rate. For more information about this program, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI University's College of Nursing TODAY!

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