Homeland Security Job Options

Homeland Security Job Options

Although U.S. crime rates are down, this doesn't mean that the U.S. is without crime. The country still needs individuals working to protect its inhabitants and respond to emergency situations, whether they are caused by humans or acts of nature.

But what exactly are the jobs that are available for those with criminal justice education, and what does it take to get on the road toward being a part of this growing area of employment in the U.S.? Here are some of those jobs and the details that you need to begin the journey for possible career options in homeland security.

Law Enforcement Agencies (Local and National)

One obvious area of need is that of local and national law enforcement agents, such as police officers and detectives. In this field, you can expect to do such things as:

  • Enforce laws
  • Respond to emergency situations
  • Assist in patrolling communities
  • Write reports
  • Complete paperwork

To succeed in law enforcement, you will need a strong code of ethics, empathy for other humans and their situations, excellent communication skills, perceptive qualities, and outstanding physical capabilities.

As reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for police officers and detectives (in May of 2015) was $60,270, with the lowest 10% earning less than $34,170 per year and the highest 10% earning more than $100,560.

Homeland Security Job Options

U.S. Customs Agent

Keeping the borders of the United States protected and secured is an important part of the efforts maintaining the highest level of homeland security. Becoming a U.S. Customs Agent could lead to you patrolling the borders, helping to prevent terrorism, working against illegal immigration, drug trafficking, weapons, and any other perceivable threat that could enter the nation.

Agents must be professional, perceptive, and have excellent judgment and communication skills. Individuals must meet the minimum eligibility requirements, which can include: being under age 40, being a citizen and resident of the United States. for at least three years and having a valid driver's license. A bachelor's degree in criminal justice or a related field is also usually expected.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association)

When disaster strikes, people need to know the U.S. Government is aware of and moving in response to their specific situation. Working for FEMA will give you direct contact with individuals in crisis and some of your main job responsibilities will include:

  • Making decisions regarding funding distribution
  • Provide ongoing education programs that are specific to the issue or situation at hand
  • Give a helping hand to participants
  • Review and maintain help as needed, for as long as needed

If you choose to work with FEMA, it would be helpful for you to be a quick thinker, able to handle stressful situations with calm and precision, and have empathy while being able to exercise professional judgment under pressure.

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Private Security

Of course, not every job that is set on ensuring the security of our nation is directly tied to obtaining work through the government. Sometimes the work comes in the form of acting as private security, perhaps for specific businesses or for individuals, or maybe providing security for an event or a conference.

When you choose to provide private security, you will need skills such as: physical stamina, perceptiveness, vigilance, communication, and flexibility. When working as a private security provider, there is always the opportunity to consider opening your own business and establishing your own clients. Truly, the possibilities for this field are as wide as your capabilities and imagination.

Homeland Security Job Options

Consider Working Toward a Career with Homeland Security

If these or any of the many other jobs that are available in the field of U.S. homeland security interest you, consider ECPI University's Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Homeland Security for the educational background you will need to get started in this field. Want to learn more? Contact a helpful admissions representative today to see if the next step in your career path is with ECPI University.

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Gainful Employment Information – Homeland Security - Bachelor’s

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