Information Systems Technology Jobs for Master's Degree Holders

Information Systems Technology Jobs for Master's Degree Holders

If you have a master's degree in information systems, or if you are interested in pursuing one, knowing the sort of job opportunities that will open up for you is important. The whole point of getting a master's degree is to get an education that will teach you skills that will help you advance in your field. With that in mind, here are some of the career opportunities in information systems technology that you might want to pursue once you graduate.

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Software Development

What would I do day-to-day in this job?

Software developers are the people who create apps, programs, games, and other applications for computers and mobile devices. They oversee the entire development process, from initial design and testing, to helping programmers code, to providing troubleshooting after the software is released. Software developers make both apps for consumers to purchase and system software that helps keep computers and devices running.

How will a master's degree help me get this job?

Although a bachelor's degree is often all that's needed to land a software development job, like many technological jobs there is significant room for upward mobility. As you take on bigger responsibilities and more complex projects, the education you gain from a master's degree program will help you learn what you need to advance in your career even faster.


What would I do day-to-day in this job?

vArchitects build and maintain virtual machines, or emulations of computer systems that allow businesses to run multiple operating systems. This allows computer systems to maintain information that is stored on older software while running newer, more modern programs as well. As a vArchitect, you will handle large amounts of data while creating systems specifically for your company.

How will a master's degree help me get this job?

As with software development, it's possible to get a job in this field with a bachelor's degree. However, a master's degree will show that you have a deeper grasp of the complex concepts needed to excel in this field and will give you an edge. There are going to be companies looking for people with master's degrees to fill the growing number of vArchitect positions, and having one will guarantee you get a chance with them.

Computer and Information Research Scientist

What would I do day-to-day in this job?

Computer and information research scientists are the people who are constantly examining issues in the world of computing and working hard to solve them. It's a job that requires both skills as both a theorist and as an engineer; you have to be able to think of potential solutions to problems and help engineers implement them.

How will a master's degree help me get this job?

Most employers will expect people applying for be a research scientist to have a master's degree. A job requires the sort of knowledge that you will attain in a master's program.

Information Systems Technology Jobs for Master's Degree Holders

Are you interested in taking the next step in your career in computer technology? If you want to earn a Master of Science in Information Systems, ECPI University offers this program at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a helpful admissions representative today.

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