Information Technology Systems Management: Are You Ready to Move Ahead?

Information Technology Systems Management: Are You Ready to Move Ahead?

You have a job in your dream field, information technology systems. It’s great, but you’d like to move up in your career. You need something that can prepare you to become a leader in information technology. Something that can give you the knowledge and skills to implement the ideas related to the management and development of information systems and technology both locally and globally. A Master of Science in Information Systems could help with that.

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What Does it Mean to be an IT Systems Manager?

First, let’s look at what an IT Manager is. An IT manager ensures that a team or department of IT personnel operates in an efficient manner, to meet the goals of the company. IT Managers will work with web designers, software engineers, and network security professionals to name a few. They will coordinate and instruct teams using a combination of administrative and IT expertise which they have formed while earning their master’s degree.

Why Do I Need Formal Education to Become an IT Manager?

Here are just a few examples of how formal education can help you become an IT manager:

  • It shows that you are willing to work: Those extra hours that you’ve applied add up. Most employers will look at a master’s degree and recognize that you are willing to do what it takes to further your career.
  • Show that the skills you learned are transferable: No matter what your postgraduate degree is in, it has helped you to develop some key skills. Many of those skills are ‘transferable.’ You will have learned to study independently. You’ll have learned to get your ideas across in a concise manner. Your degree will show that you are a capable and independent worker. It will show that you have the ability to identify problems and the enterprising nature that will help you to solve them. It shows that you are someone who can communicate well, whether in person or in writing.
  • Expertise: Individuals who have received a master’s degree in information technology should gain knowledge and skills that they can employ by creatively utilizing the right hardware and software to meet a company’s needs. It will also help them to better manage and administer IT teams and systems.
  • Management training: If you don't have management experience now, you might think that you'll never get hired for a position. But a master's degree usually offers several classes in how to manage employees and be a good boss. This can complement your existing experience or show that you have the training needed to take on the job.

What Type of Skills Should I Acquire in order to do this Job?

Once you complete your Master of Science in Information Systems program, you should have an understanding of how basic software development and networking concepts apply to cloud computing and virtualization. You also should be able to design, implement, and manage a complex relational database. You could be ready to manage an information system project from its inception through to its completion.

Here are some more skills you should learn in a master's program for information systems:

  • Evaluate the impact of information systems on business operations and recommend the correct solution
  • Aware of information assurance issues
  • Achieve and maintain security in information systems
  • Know-how to design and carry out an information system through using the correct programming paradigm and programming language

Information Technology Systems Management: Are You Ready to Move Ahead?

ECPI University Can Help You Reach Your Goals!

Are you working in information systems and want to move ahead in your career? Do you think earning a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems could help you get there? If you want to earn this degree, ECPI University offers this program at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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