Masters in Cyber Security: How Do I Know If I'm Ready?

Masters in Cyber Security: How Do I Know If I'm Ready?

In most IT-related careers, experience is the main currency in the job market. We all know some self-starter who's been coding since the '90s and made it to the top of their field without ever stepping foot in an academic institution. But for the rest of us, it's normal to wonder whether more school might be the best way you reach your professional goals. 

Cybersecurity professionals understand the power of knowledge. Although we live in a digital era of self-made mavericks, education, credentials, and an impressive resume can still go a long way in helping you stand out in a crowded job market. 

Don't Wait to Learn More About ECPI University's Degree Programs!

Cybersecurity Certification or a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity

Why just choose one? A Master's Degree in Cybersecurity from an accredited institution looks great on your resume, and many schools offer certifications on-campus as well. By enrolling in a master's program at a school like this, you could graduate with a master's degree as well as industry-standard cybersecurity certifications demonstrating proficiency at particular skillsets. You could even receive a significant discount on certification exams through the college; oftentimes they can cost hundreds of dollars to undertake alone. 

How do you know if you’re ready to go From a Bachelor’s to a Master’s Degree?

Feeling Stuck: It happens. You graduate with your bachelor's degree, find work, and ... nothing ever changes. If you're tired of feeling bored and stuck in a role you've outgrown, a master's degree could help you find a more rewarding role. Some universities offer accelerated master's degree programs which can be completed in as little as 16 months! 

Polish up your analytical skills, brush up on your soft skills, and lean into professional training on information infrastructures, cybersecurity threats, and strong leadership. 

Coursework may cover every aspect of cybersecurity from development, evaluation, implementation, and updating of security policies that help businesses respond quickly to cyber-attacks. As a cybersecurity graduate you could acquire skills in the management of information advancement, incident response, asset clarification, compliance management, and secure administration of information systems.

You Want More: The main benefit of pursuing a master’s degree in cybersecurity is the leadership training you could receive. Most undergraduate degrees in the IT field don’t teach business skills as a part of their curriculum. A Master's degree program is more likely to delve into the administrative and managerial aspects of cybersecurity. 

How to Decide if You’re Ready For a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity

Reach out to your preferred academic institution and ask whatever questions you may have about pursuing a master's degree in cybersecurity. You could end up speaking to an instructor of the courses, or even former graduates. Perhaps your current coworkers have earned a master's, and could give you some guidance.

Ultimately, however, the only person who can make this decision is YOU. Take your time. Consider the advantages and disadvantages. Ask yourself questions and actively seek answers. It is 100% up to you. 

Are you passionate about cybersecurity?

A master’s degree in cybersecurity won’t only require you to tackle complex materials but also challenge you to take on more responsibility. Even taught programs require lots of independent reading and preparation. Therefore, you need to be self-motivated and enthusiastic about cybersecurity before you sign up.

Are you ready to spend more time studying?

If you have just finished your undergraduate degree, you may experience study fatigue. You don’t have to begin your master’s degree in cybersecurity immediately after your bachelor's. Working for some time can help you take a break from studying and give you time to reflect on your goals. 

Asking yourself these questions will help you reflect on your decision and what you will get out of your master’s degree. If you’re satisfied with your answers, you can be confident that pursuing a master’s degree is a great choice for you.

At ECPI University, we offer a Master of Science in Cybersecurity concentrating in Cyber Operation and Cybersecurity Policy. To learn more about this program connect with a knowledgeable admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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