Mechatronics Applications in Daily Life

Mechatronics Applications in Daily Life

The term mechatronics is a used when referencing devices that utilize a combination of computer, telecommunication, mechanical and systems engineering in the same device. It sounds complex, and it often is, but the average individual interacts with a large number of mechatronics in their daily life.

Chances are, you've already used several different mechatronics already, even if you're reading this in bed after waking up. It shows just how important working within this combination of industries is.

If you’re interested in studying mechatronics, you might just have started appreciating just how much of our technology-filled world relies on mechatronics systems. Here are some examples!

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How Does Mechatronics Impact Me?

Did you look at your phone this morning when you woke up? Yes? Well you've already used a device that utilizes mechatronics. Most of this is simple programming and determining how the configuration of the device can house all of the circuitry.

The autofocus in the cell phone's camera, for example, is mechatronics. The ability to combine mechanical engineering, computer and telecommunicating engineering together is what makes it a mechatronic. If you play video games, inserting and ejecting the disc from your game system is an example of mechatronics as well.

Of course, the technology does more than affect those who enjoy the latest electronic devices. It is also a major player in the world of automotive engineering. Anti-lock brakes, which is found in nearly every vehicle constructed in the last 20 years, is an example of mechatronics. As self-drive cars become more and more popular, this is possibly the most obvious example.

It combines every form of modern engineering in order to construct a vehicle and have it drive on its own. Other computer/machine controlled devices would also fall under this category (such as robot vacuum cleaners) and mowers. Essentially, mechatronics impacts the average person in many ways, either directly or indirectly, throughout the course of their day.

How Can I Get my Start in Mechatronics?

The world of mechatronics is an interesting field as it combines a host of different technological formats into one unique device. As technology continues to evolve, you'll see more and more major items come out that falls into this category. Getting your start in this field doesn't need to be a challenge.

It is possible to follow through with a very straight forward degree program. However, the degree program is going to be unique in that it combines varying forms of engineering. You are not going go just focus on computer technology or manual engineering. It is all of this combined into one. That is why, if you are serious about entering into this kind of field, you need to be sure the degree you are earning incorporates all aspects of mechatronics.

Why is Hands-On Learning so Important for Me When Studying Mechatronics?

Unlike other technological, computer-based degrees, you need to take a very hands-on approach to learning mechatronics. This is because you not only need to know the programming of a device but also the physical aspects of the design. You don't do this if you constantly are behind a book or computer screen. Hands-on learning is also something you not going to be able to do at home.

Yes, it is possible to take apart a stereo system or the CD player to see how everything works, but this doesn't teach you why it works that way (plus with most modern electronic devices it is rather difficult to take the equipment apart without damaging it in the first place). Due to this, you need to find a location that offers hands-on learning to help benefit your education in the subject.

Mechatronics Applications in Daily Life

Are you the kind of person who enjoys working with technology and wants to build modern conveniences to help all kinds of people? If you’re interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology with a focus in Mechatronics, ECPI University offers this degree program on an accelerated schedule. For more information about this exciting field, contact an admissions representative today.

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