Nursing School Application Process: What Can I Expect?

Nursing School Application Process: What Can I Expect?

You've decided you want to go to nursing school to become a registered nurse (RN). Congratulations! But now you're facing the application process, and you may find it a little daunting. Take a deep breath: there's really nothing to be afraid of. The admissions advisers at the colleges you apply to will be there for you to help you along. They want you to succeed as much as you want to.

But before you get in touch with the admissions staff, here's some information that will help you get started with the application process.

Do the Research

You've probably already done some research online to find out about various nursing schools and what they offer.. Before you fill out an application to any of them, carefully study what each program offers so that you're sure the specialties you want are available. If the location involves an arduous commute or else moving closer to campus, ask yourself if you have the means and the support you'll need to make that happen. What about the program requirements? Think you can handle the classes you'll be taking? Can you reasonably expect to complete the coursework in the period you're hoping for?

Plan to visit the campus, take a tour, and meet faculty and staff so you'll get a better sense whether a college is right for you. Also, plan to meet with an adviser to ask about programs of study, services for students, and assistance with career services.

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Determine Your Preparedness

Whether you're just graduating from high school or you've been out of school for a while, you should plan to take a college preparedness test, wherein your current ability to succeed in college-level coursework will be assessed. The college will determine your level of attainment with English and math in particular. It may that you will need to bring your skills up through remedial courses in order to succeed.

Apply to Your Preferred Colleges

You may be looking at more than one college. It really doesn't hurt to apply to more than one; if you get accepted by a couple or more colleges, you'll be able to compare the programs and decide which one meets your need best. Before you apply, though, be sure to rank your preferences.

Once you decide on which colleges you want to apply to, you will fill out an application form, complete enrollment paperwork, submit an application fee, and meet with a financial aid representative to determine your financial aid eligibility. You will probably have to do an interview as well.

Apply Early -- but Don't Rush

The early bird gets the worm, and there's nothing like getting accepted early so you'll be able to start planning your semester. That said, do not rush yourself. You want your application for college to be well organized and professional looking. If you're asked to get letters of recommendation for college or a nursing program, make sure they are well written, substantial, and to the point, and from sources who can boost your chances for admission. For instance, if you've worked in any allied nursing or medical settings, it could be helpful to get a letter of recommendation from your employer with details about the quality of your work and experience.

If you are required to write an essay explaining why you want to enter nursing school, you want to do the best job possible. If writing is not your strong suit, get someone to lend a hand. At the very least, have someone with good writing and communication skills proofread the results.

Be Ready to Interview for Your Place in Nursing School

Most reputable nursing schools require an in-person interview to determine your admittance into the program. Do your best to present yourself professionally. Wear an appropriate outfit, arrive early, be polite to everyone you meet.

When it comes to answering questions, make sure you review common nursing school interview questions as well as basic interview questions everyone should be able to answer. Practice with a friend or family member to hone your skills. Make sure your answers are complete, concise, and thoughtful. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question.

Nursing School Application Process: What Can I Expect?

Are you ready to apply to nursing school? Getting started could be easier than you think! If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, ECPI University offers this degree program at an accelerated course. For more information on how to apply, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

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