Reasons to Become a Massage Therapist

Reasons to Become a Massage Therapist

The field of massage therapy has expanded over the decades from being a relatively novel type of therapy administered for sports injuries and in hospitals for physical rehabilitation, to being a standard therapy for health and well-being. As it has grown in popularity worldwide, so have the career opportunities for massage therapists.

Driven by a desire to help people feel better and improve their wellbeing, massage therapists are given the opportunity to do just that in a very hands-on way. But that's just one of the major reasons you might want to earn a degree in massage therapy. Here are some other reasons.

Job settings are many and varied

Massage therapists work in a number of job settings. For instance, massage therapists are frequently employed in hospitals, nursing homes, doctors' and chiropractors' offices, resorts, salons, spas, on cruise ships, in hotels, for sports teams and events, and in clinics. Or, many massage therapists opt for setting up business in their own offices or homes and building their own businesses.

A massage therapy career offers flexibility

Massage therapists are often able to set their own hours, working as little or as much as they want, particularly if they have their own businesses. A massage therapist might work full-time on a hospital staff, or else work as a contractor on assignment, visiting nursing homes or taking care of patients in other settings. A career in massage therapy may have particular appeal for those who want to work part-time.

Preparation can be accomplished in a relatively short length of time

Training for a massage therapy career can be accomplished in several ways. Some practitioners complete programs at massage therapy schools that qualify them for practice in the location of choice. Others might enroll in an accredited program at a college. Some of these programs are offered at an accelerated rate that allows the student to complete the coursework relatively quickly.

Regardless of which type of school you enroll in, you will need to successfully complete coursework, and then after graduating, meet the state or municipal requirements, be it obtaining a license or other credentials -- that is, if you expect to practice in a place where massage therapy is regulated. You may have to pass the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx), depending on where you intend to practice.

Massage therapy offers practitioners the opportunity to travel

Because massage therapists can work in so many varied settings, there's really no limit to the places you might be needed. Have a yearning to travel to exotic locations? Then a career in massage therapy could be your ticket to ride, working in hotels, for resorts or retreat centers. Does cruising around the world appeal to you? Then massage therapy could provide your entrance into a life on board a ship. It's really a matter of imagining where you would like to go and then researching the facilities offered in that locale. From there, you should be able to research career opportunities.

Massage therapy is good for the therapist

Transitioning from an immobile desk job to being a massage therapist offers many practitioners a chance to be more physically active. They stand up during therapy and also engage their entire bodies in the process. This type of work helps practitioners tone their own muscles and stay strong.

What's more, providing massage therapy can offer the practitioner a chance to have a less stressful occupation in a relaxed setting. Often, the setting will include meditative elements, such as aromatherapy, candles, mood lighting and relaxing music.

Massage therapists can be in charge of their own lives

Who hasn't dreamed of being one's own boss? If you've spent years taking orders and reporting to the chain of command, you may have a desire to launch out on your own and forge your own destiny. Yes, building a business takes discipline, and you will need to learn how to essentially run a small business by mastering scheduling and bookkeeping. But if you're ready to take the plunge, massage therapy could be the way to go.

Reasons to Become a Massage Therapist

Are you interested in earning an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Massage Therapy? If you are, ECPI University offers this degree at an accelerated rate. Helping you to get into the field faster. For more information about this exciting degree program, be sure to connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions representative today.

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