What are Jobs in the Hospitality Industry for Bachelor Graduates?

What are Jobs in the Hospitality Industry for Bachelor Graduates?

One of the things that many people look for when they are trying to decide on a career to pursue is an industry that will provide no shortage of jobs. Job security is important, after all. One such industry is the hospitality industry. There are usually positions available in hospitality management -- and one of the big perks of the industry is that you can find a job in hospitality pretty much anywhere in the world.

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Types of Jobs in the Hospitality Industry

The following are some of the jobs you might find yourself in within the industry:

  • Hotel management: Hotel managers are responsible for making sure day-to-day operations go smoothly for hotels large and small. In some cases, they are also responsible for improving the guest experience and to attract new guests. With a bachelor's degree, you're more likely to start as an assistant manager before you can become a general manager. However, there's no shortage of hotels to work at around the world, including motels, hotels, bed and breakfasts, and resorts.
  • Restaurant management: Having a culinary background can be helpful, but in some cases, it's not necessary, especially if you're running a chain restaurant or you're partnering up with a chef. You will have a lot of responsibilities that include overseeing the restaurant's staff, developing relationships with distributors, keeping track of inventory, creating, and sticking to the budget and much more.
  • Event planner: Event planners are individuals who help to organize special events for their customers. These events can include business conferences, trade shows, weddings, parties, and more. They are often known as event coordinators as well since their main job is to coordinate the logistics of such an event, from overseeing the food and entertainment and the staff to ensuring that the needs of all the guests are met.
  • Catering: Catering involves a combination of hospitality services that include sales, event planning and project management. Some knowledge concerning the culinary arts can be quite helpful, although you can take charge of the business end of things with a hospitality management degree.
  • Convention center services: As a convention or conference center manager, you'll work with businesses to execute different types of events, from the planning stages to the end. This can involve organizing everything from trade shows and charity events to corporate holiday parties and political receptions.
  • Casino management: Casino managers have a ton of responsibilities, which is why you might need to start off as an assistant first. A casino general manager will be responsible for the casino's staff, the casino's security, the satisfaction of the customers, and the management of the facility.
  • HR management: You could be able to work as a human resources manager in almost any type of hospitality setting if you have a bachelor's degree in a business field. As an HR manager, you'll oversee employee issues that include payroll, benefits, hiring, insurance and more.
  • Travel agent: As a travel agent, you will work closely with clients to help them choose a holiday destination, taking into consideration their budget and individual needs to make all the necessary arrangements, including how they will get to their destination and back, where they will stay, what travel documents they need and more.

As you can see, there is an extensive amount of options when it comes to finding a job in the hospitality industry. In fact, these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. You could find a position in hospitality management in an amusement park, at a sports stadium, on a cruise ship, at a school and more. With some experience, you could even become a consultant that works with clients in all of these areas to help improve their hospitality management services.

How a Bachelor's Degree Can Help

The best way to prepare for a career in hospitality management is to complete a bachelor's degree with a focus in hospitality management. You'll learn about the principal operations of a business in the hospitality industry as well as the fundamentals of food service operations, thereby giving you a solid foundation from which to launch your career.

While you could work your way up at an establishment within the hospitality industry, such as a restaurant or a hotel, it won't provide you with nearly as well rounded an education. Not only will it limit you as to where within the hospitality industry you'll be able to work, but your skills and knowledge will be limited to what the person above you taught. If you worked for a poor manager, there's a good chance you won't learn what you need to.

What are Jobs in the Hospitality Industry for Bachelor Graduates?

Are you interested in a career in hospitality management? If you want to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with a Focus in Hospitality Management, ECPI University offers this course at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a helpful admissions advisor today.

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