What Classes are Required for a Nursing Degree?

What Classes are Required for a Nursing Degree?

Doctors’ offices, long-term care facilities, and specialized health teams depend on nursing professionals to provide high-quality care to patients. Those with a solid educational background will be prepared to take advantage of increasing opportunities in the nursing field. What are some of the classes need to obtain a nursing degree? How do they relate to a nurse's daily duties?

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Concepts of Nursing

Nursing concepts are the fundamental values on which professionals base their actions. This combination of theory, psychology, and leadership skills builds the foundation for successful patient care. There are four core concepts in nursing.

  • People. These concepts teach nursing students the importance of caring for the whole person, not just the illness. Each patient has unique experiences, culture, and needs that can affect the way care is delivered. Patient behavior and development are also discussed.
  • Health. This section of instruction focuses on addressing the patients’ overall health. Self-care techniques, defining and encouraging wellness, and helping through the healing process are addressed in these courses. Students also explore ways of coping with illness, stress, and crisis.
  • Environment. The patient's environment has a large impact on recovery. Nursing students talk about how physical, social, sociocultural, and family support systems affect patient prognosis. Students also investigate how healthcare administrators and public laws influence health.
  • Role of nursing in healthcare. In order to make the most out of their role in a medical team, nurses refer to the standards and theories outlined in this concept. Teaching and learning, collaboration, empowerment, advocacy, peer support, and legal and ethical issues are some of the things discussed in this unit. Future nurses also explore the unique ways each member contributes to the team.

Learning these concepts early in the education process helps students understand how to apply the things they learn in other courses.

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and physiology courses give aspiring nurses vital knowledge that helps them understand complex medical conditions and treatments. An injury or illness rarely exists in isolation. A malfunction in the body usually affects multiple parts of the whole.

Anatomy and physiology instruction teaches future nurses how the parts of the body work together to help us move, breathe, reproduce, and complete other biological functions. With this information, nurses are able to understand what is happening in their patients’ body and develop a plan that addresses the whole person.

Terminology is one of the most important parts of these courses. A firm grasp of medical terminology helps nurses communicate with doctors and other professionals. It also aids in providing accurate care, insurance payment processing, and other daily duties in medical facilities.


One of the primary purposes of professional nurses is to reduce the spread of pathogens that cause disease and infection. A thorough understanding of microbiology is vital in fulfilling this role. These classes illustrate how microorganisms live, breed, and affect our environments and bodies. Genetics, microorganisms in therapy, and methods of bacterial control are also covered. This helps nurses develop plans to limit patient exposure to potentially life-threatening organisms. It is also crucial in cleanroom procedures and surgical settings.

Nurses use their knowledge of microbiology for more than disease prevention. Nurses use their knowledge when processing patient samples and disposing of biomedical waste. Microbiology instruction includes lab requirements, so students get an up-close understanding of the inner workings of the world of microorganisms.


Drug therapies are an important part of modern healthcare. Nurses are often responsible for dispensing medications, preparing solutions, and delivering prescribed treatments via IV. Pharmacology courses teach nursing students the basics of drug therapy theory, including dosing, interactions, and methodology.

What Classes are Required for a Nursing Degree?

Are you interested in becoming a nurse? If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, ECPI University offers this degree path at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions representative today.

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