What Does a Massage Therapist Do in their Job?

What Does a Massage Therapist Do in their Job?

Many people lead fast-paced lives and often don't take the time to slow down and relax. Massages are an excellent form of relaxation and, in addition to helping a person emotionally and mentally decompress, massages have also been proven to be a great help in physical therapy.

Massage therapists are the conduit through which their clients can experience the healing properties of massages. Due to this, people enjoy working closely with clients and want to help others relax, feel comfortable, and even work on easing pain, could find their niche in massage therapy. If you think this sounds like you, then take a look at a few of the career paths you can take with massage therapy and the different types of daily tasks you will likely be expected to perform:

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Life as a Massage Therapist: The Career Paths & Daily Tasks

Once you have obtained a massage therapy diploma and the necessary licenses for a given area, you will be able to choose from a variety of career paths, including:

  • Cruise ships, resorts, and hotels. Do you love to travel and enjoy meeting people from different places and backgrounds? Then consider the advantages of working in a tourist-oriented setting. Many people view their vacations as a time to relax and invest in themselves and one way of doing so is with massage therapy.
  • Rehab clinics, doctor's offices, and hospitals. Massage therapy is a recognized form of physical and mental therapy as certain massage techniques can relieve pain and expedite mobility and overall recovery. This career path is a good choice for those who love the healing side of massage therapy.
  • Spas. As with tourist-specific businesses, spas are a place where people go to seek out rejuvenation and relaxation therapies. It's common for people to return to their preferred spa and so this is a good choice for graduates who like keeping and maintaining a steady clientele list and are good with promoting themselves and marketing their place of employment.

Daily Tasks

No matter which specific career path you choose, as a massage therapist, you'll likely be expected to do more than just give your clients' massages. Generally, there will be a number of necessary administrative tasks such as:

  • Reviewing the upcoming appointments and returning the calls of anyone who left a message regarding an upcoming appointment
  • Setting up both the supplies for the day, such as general lotions, towels and robes, as well as specific supplies and tools requested by individual clients before their appointment.
  • Cleaning the bed and room following each client's appointment
  • Ensure marketing materials are restocked and appropriately displayed

When meeting with new clients, you'll often be expected to go over client intake forms and ask them about their goals with massage therapy, discover any problem areas they want addressed, and highlight available massage options. This is a particularly important part of the massage therapist's job as massage therapy is a more sensitive therapy.

Some clients may be uncomfortable if they are not properly introduced to their therapist and the techniques involved. This intake can also help you gauge the personality of the client. Some clients want their sessions to be calm and quiet while others would prefer more conversation or a certain style of music. A good rule of thumb is to take their lead.

Importance of a Formal Education in Massage Therapy

Every state will require an applicant to undergo between 500 and 1000 hours of training and then pass an exam before they can obtain their license to practice massage therapy. By undergoing a formal education process, you can both fast track this process as during the course of your studies, you will earn those hours of training. Additionally, you'll be better prepared with the right knowledge and skills to pass the exam that enables you to practice massage therapy in your area. However, those aren't the only reasons why it is beneficial to pursue a formal education via a massage therapy degree program. Other benefits include:

  • Increased hire-ability. With a formal degree in hand, you'll be better able to prove to your employers that you know and have experience in a variety of massage therapy techniques and skills.
  • Enhance networking ability. During the course of the degree program, you'll get chances to 'intern' or 'extern' out in the field which, in addition to meeting people throughout your studies, enhances your social network.
  • Boost business skills. Business and accounting classes are a great boon to have no matter which direction you go with your degree.

What Does a Massage Therapist Do in their Job?

Are you interested in becoming a massage therapist? If you want to earn a Massage Therapy Diploma, ECPI University offers this program at an accelerated rate. For more information regarding this exciting program, connect with an ECPI University admissions counselor today.

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