what is information assurance?

As you become familiar with the various sub-fields of information technology, you find out that there exist a number of important roles and that each plays a unique and specified function. Information assurance is one such specialization. These highly-valued individuals within an organization ensure that information or data is protected and not forged while being transferred or stored. Once a larger part of the general field of Information Security (or InfoSec), information assurance is now considered its own discipline.

According to CNNMoney, the information assurance field is expected to experience 37% job growth over the next decade, which is a rather high rate of growth as compared to other fields. Not only is there more data being created and shared on a regular basis than ever before, but the sensitivity of that data is greater than ever as well. More people are putting credit card, banking, and confidential personal information online than ever before and there is no indication that this trend will reverse anytime soon.

Information Assurance Demand is Up, Up, and Away

information security analyst job growthMany information assurance professionals will find themselves working for computer companies, consulting firms and financial firms. User data is the primary type of information that you would be responsible for securing and assuring, but internal corporate data is often the responsibility of information assurance professionals. Demand for trained and skilled information assurance talent is expected to be high in the coming years. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects information security analyst demand will increase 18% between 2014 and 2024. The reason is simple: the risk of hackers infiltrating sensitive data systems within high-profile companies is a great concern to executives, shareholders, and users alike.

Unlike the broader discipline of Information Security, work in the field of information assurance borrows from backgrounds outside of the computer science area of knowledge. The work seeks to solve higher-level business challenges and often has to take into account matters of government policy, regulation, and business continuity goals. Information assurance professionals also manage and prepare data response methods for organizations in the face of natural disasters. Power outages, flooding and earthquakes are common causes for information systems to face downtime and interruption. If an organization mismanages information system continuity efforts around these unpredictable events, the end-user eventually suffers and revenue is often compromised. 

Salary for Information Assurance Professionals

information security analyst payWhile specific data on information assurance specialists is still being compiled, the larger field of Information Security has a median annual salary of $88,890, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One of the best reasons to pursue a career in any information technology field is job security, but it's generally a rather well-paying line of work as well. With the projected expansion of available positions in the information assurance field, there will be more opportunities to secure work in the field in various parts of the world. The relatively high salary band for this line of work wouldn't be so impressive if the only areas where one could secure work were in high-cost-of-living cities. Thankfully, this isn't shaping up to be the case as more companies seek to hire information assurance specialists.

How to Get a Job in Information Assurance

Due to the depth of knowledge required of new hires in the information assurance field, a master’s in information systems may be necessary. In addition to needing to earn this advanced level of certification from an accredited school, you'll also very likely have to pass drug screening and a formal background check before being hired. So long as you are an upstanding citizen who has a solid background of good behavior, you could have a chance to pursue work in the information assurance field. It's a great line of work for those who love to solve new and challenging technology problems with far-reaching consequences. You can not only earn a good living, but also provide a valuable and much-needed service to today's modern, tech, and data-dependent world. 

Get on the Path to Information Assurance: Earn an MSIS Degree

If you're interested in pursuing a career in information assurance, look to an accredited university offering a Master of Science in Information Systems degree or a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.  If a career in information assurance appeals to you, contact ECPI University for detailed information about earning your Master of Science in Information Systems in as few as 15 months. It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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