What is Accelerated Nursing School Like for Nursing Students?

What is Accelerated Nursing School Like for Nursing Students?

Accelerated degree programs are immensely popular among students in higher education. After all, who wouldn't want to go through the course material and get a degree in considerably less than the customary two years it takes to obtain an associate's degree? That goes double for non-traditional students who might be seeking a degree so they can transition to a second career, or perhaps to earn more money to support a family.

For those pursuing a career as a registered nurse, which requires an associate’s degree and certification, enrolling in an accelerated program could mean you might complete your course work in as little as 18 months, instead of two years. But before you rush into enrolling in an accelerated program, there are some things you should consider -- especially if you're planning to be a registered nurse.

Demands of a Nursing Degree

It's true -- earning a nursing degree is not a cake walk. You can expect to put in long hours of studying and absorbing highly technical material, such as names and properties of pharmaceuticals and complex medical terminology. What's more, there's often not just one correct answer to a test question. For instance, it may be right to put pressure on a wound to stop bleeding -- most of the time. But there may be occasions when other treatment is called for. You'll need to develop your powers of critical thinking, and apply them to the questions on your exams in order to succeed.

Successfully completing your nursing degree coursework is even more challenging than obtaining a degree in most other fields. As a nursing student you will have to sacrifice relaxational time and sometimes family time. You will not succeed in earning your degree unless you can commit most of your waking time to study. Obviously, with an accelerated degree, you'll be even harder pressed to learn complex material in a shorter time frame.

Earning a Nursing Degree in an Accelerated Program

The demand for nurses remains high. Responding to demand, many institutions of higher learning are offering accelerated degrees that will help nursing students get out into the work force sooner than the two-year degree would allow. Before you enroll in an accelerated degree program, however, you need to do an honest self-assessment and decide if this kind of rapid-paced learning is right for you. So here are some things to think about:

  • Are you a procrastinator, inclined to put off completing assignments and studying for tests till the last minute? If so, a program such as accelerated nursing, where you can plan on devoting long, hard hours to study, won't be for you. Self-discipline is a must.
  • Do you have a knack for memorizing large amounts of sometimes complex terminology and jargon? A good memory is indispensable in this type of program.
  • Do you have time to go to class, study, participate in clinicals, and complete student nursing requirements, all without a break? Accelerated programs move at a rapid pace, without a break between semesters. If you need to work long hours or can't expect family members to help with childcare or other time-consuming commitments, an accelerated program is probably not for you. A good support network is essential.

Why Enroll in an Accelerated Program?

You think you have the personality, skills, and support network you need to succeed in an accelerated program? That’s great! But how will enrolling in this kind of program benefit you?

Obviously, the major benefit of accelerated programs is that they help the student move quickly through the course material toward the degree, and in the case of nursing students, toward becoming certified registered nurses. The sooner you obtain your degree and certification, the sooner you can start applying for nursing jobs.

Sometimes the fact that there is no break in an accelerated program can be an advantage. While an accelerated course can be demanding, once you find a school flow, you may find it works for you to just keep on plugging away without a long break, so that you stay focused on the material.

What is Accelerated Nursing School Like?

Are you interested in earning your Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing, and want to take accelerated courses? ECPI University offers this accelerated degree program with year-round scheduling, helping you move through your program and start looking for work sooner. For more information about this nursing program, connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions counselor today.

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Gainful Employment Information – Nursing (RN) - Associate’s

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