Where Does a Web Developer Work?

Where Does a Web Developer Work?

1 in 7 web developers in America are freelancers, a particularly high proportion in comparison to other industries. The freedom to set your own schedule and rates makes this option very attractive for many web developers. It even benefits the client, as the business can save money by not hiring a long-term worker for a one-off job.

Finding clients can be tricky. Due to the advent of simple do-it-yourself website solutions like Squarespace and WordPress, businesses have less need for freelance web developers when looking to set up basic websites.

For this reason, freelancers looking for a steady stream of work may be well served by expanding their skills and training to a wider range of web development possibilities in a degree program. The more tools you have in your skill set, the more likely you are to be able to meet any client’s requests and win their contract.

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Subcontracted Development Firms

Similar to the option above, web developers can also work at a dedicated subcontracting firm to take on single contracts with a team of colleagues. These companies tend to tackle projects that are just a little too big for a single freelancer to take on, but not are still not lengthy enough to justify hiring any permanent in-house staff.

At these places, you don’t spend all your time on a very limited range of projects, but you also have more room to shine and more flexibility in terms of asserting your professional judgment. They’re a good middle option for those who want more security than freelance work can provide, but who also want variety in their work.

You Could Work at a Large Company

Large corporations hire permanent web developers, too. They usually have many web-based projects going on at once and require full-time staff. A large bank, for example, might be working on touching up their online banking portal, setting up some promotional pages, and updating the user interface on their main website.

This category also includes employers like educational boards and government institutions. These organizations tend to need a web developer’s services very frequently – all those new lessons and bylaws have to end up on a webpage at some point.

One nice thing about working in an environment like this is that you’ll probably have plenty of work force, useful accessories, and hardware to help you do your job effectively. However, you’ll also have a lot of people to answer to and a lot of competing input on projects. This can feel stifling for developers with a singular vision, but some prefer the extra support and guidance.

Or a Small Company

Small companies keep web developers on staff too, but it’s less common; when an organization with limited resources chooses this option, they usually need fairly frequent changes and updates to their websites. Commonly, this is because the product or service they are selling is web-based, like a browser game or an online store.

The company may also just have particularly ambitious ideas for their web presence that they expect will require a lot of ongoing attention. Small organizations like this often have some of the most innovative development going on within them, making them an excellent place to get your start.

Small companies are frequently plagued by web-related troubles due to their typical lack of web expertise. Because you are the expert, you might find yourself pretty taxed. You’re expected to be able to easily pivot into a new direction, keep on top of all the subtle details of the websites you put out, and listen to and address user feedback. However, this also gives you more control over the whole process and provides an excellent opportunity to learn.

Where Does a Web Developer Work?

No matter which of these you choose, the best way to get your foot in the door is to get a formal education in the field. ECPI University’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Software Development - Web Design and Development Track is a great option. Offered at an accelerated pace, you could graduate sooner and start looking for work and clients sooner. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions counselor today.

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