Taking Online Classes While in the Military: How Does it Work?

Taking Online Classes While in the Military: How Does it Work?

Joining any of the five main branches of the military is a great way to explore the world, learn new skills, and develop characteristics that will help throughout life. Tuition assistance, scholarships, and grants are important benefits of military duty. Earning a degree online could allow those who serve to return to their hometowns with skills that are appropriate for the local job market.

Highly motivated individuals can take advantage of the time between deployments and calmer periods of active duty to further their education with online study. Online classes are accessible, relevant, and comprise the same curriculum as ground courses. With a reliable internet connection, military personnel can complete an entire degree program from anywhere in the world. What is it like to take online classes at home or abroad? How can an online degree increase opportunities in a military-focused career?

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Online Classes: The Basics

Whether you’re in the military or have regained civilian status, online classes are a convenient way to earn any degree. The courses provide the same amount of challenge and high-quality instruction as traditional classes. However, online classes are structured to give learners flexible ways to access study materials, communicate with instructors and classmates, and get the support they need for success.

  • Chat rooms and message boards are the lifeblood of online learning communities. Students can log on and collaborate with other learners, ask for help, or start a discussion based on the material. These tools give online learners all the social benefits found on traditional college campuses.
  • Instructors and aides are always available by email. Contact information is prominently posted for each class. Questions are easily sent and answered within a reasonable timeframe. Many instructors hold virtual office hours during which they assist students via online chat or instant messaging. Virtual tutors are another resource for online learners. With video conferencing, students can receive real-time assistance on their assignments.
  • Once the program is complete, students gather for a graduation ceremony. Here, instructors and learners that have grown together virtually get to meet face-to-face. New friends and loved ones watch each graduate walk across the stage to receive the proof of their hard work.

With online classes, your internet connection is your pathway to a solid education. Whether you’re on a European base or at home waiting for your next deployment, online classes are a smart way to use your time to your best advantage.

Online Classes: Stepping Stone to Military Achievement

The US military does much more than defend our citizens from potential threats. Members of the Armed Forces build structures like roads and dwellings, provide vital medical services to military and non-military persons, and invests heavily in certain types of scientific research.

Benefits of Earning a Bachelor's Degree During Military Service

Online classes allow active duty members to fulfill their current obligations while they work towards future goals. This type of instruction offers other important benefits to enlisted learners.

  • All the materials are online and can be accessed from almost any internet-connected device. If duty calls suddenly, learners don’t have to carry around large stacks of books and papers to continue their studies.
  • Online learning programs allow generous timelines for completion. Surprise movements don’t have to derail your education plan. Simply return to your lessons when time permits.
  • During long deployments, online learning programs are a great way to channel energy towards a positive purpose. Interacting with fellow virtual learners and the drive to achieve can be a pleasant distraction from routine and homesickness.

Online learning is a strategic move for any member of military service, no matter what degree they want to earn or where in the world they currently are.

Taking Online Classes While in the Military: How Does it Work?

If you're a member of the military and want to earn a college degree, consider online education at ECPI University to suit your unique needs. For more information about our programs, connect with a helpful admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI  University's Online Degree Programs

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