What is Required to be a Software Developer?

What is Required to be a Software Developer?

Without exaggerating, it’s true that software is nearly everywhere and more and more machines are being powered by software. We encounter software on a daily basis as it runs our laptops, appliances, and phones. We rely on software programs to keep track of our finances, organize our personal calendars, and help guide us around the city. As all these things continue to become a prominent feature in our lives, the need for software developers continues to grow.

Types of Software Developers

Application software developers: They are the creative minds behind applications such as games and word processors that make it possible to execute specific tasks on devices such as computers or smartphones. They may create custom software that will be sold to the public for free use over the internet.

Systems software developers: They develop underlying systems that ensure proper functioning of computers. This could be systems built precisely for an organization or for computers sold to the public. Systems software developers also create operating systems that control most electronics such as cars, cell phones, and television.

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Educational Requirements

When it comes to being a software developer technical knowledge is often more important than any self-taught information. Software developers usually have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering or computer and information science. However, computer science is the most common program because it covers a broad range of topics.

Also, students are taught how to construct, analyze, and maintain software through laboratory sessions and lectures. Other topics covered in the program include computer programming, networks, and operating systems. Students are taught how to program in multiple languages such as C, C++, Java, Lisp, and Ada.

Many programs include a project that allows students to come up with an original concept by applying the principles they’ve learned in class. While still in college, students may also gain experience in software development by taking part in cooperative internships at a software company. Throughout their careers, software developers are required to stay up to date with changes in applications and programming languages. As such, one may sign up for an advanced degree or additional courses.

Other Qualifications

When looking, there are a number of skills employers will look for in candidates for a job as a software developer. You’ll need:

  • Math skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • The ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Eye for detail and identifying problems
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Analytical and commercial experience
  • Some programming knowledge and the ability to use more than one development language
  • Expertise in current computer hardware and software

Most employers will only hire individuals who have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or software engineering. With formal education. You’ll be eligible to work in a wide range of industries across different states and even countries. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an 11% employment growth is expected for systems software developers from 2014-2024 and a 30% growth for applications software developers.

This expected job growth is due to the growing use computer technology, need for new applications on smartphones and tablets, concerns over threats to computer security and the replacement needed for individuals who are either leaving the profession or advancing.

What is Required to be a Software Developer?

Are you interested in becoming a software developer? If you’re ready to take the next step and earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Software Development, ECPI University can help. With accelerated classes on a year-rounds schedule,  you could earn your degree in as little as 2.5 years. For more information about this exciting degree program, connect with a knowledgeable admissions advisor today.

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