Accelerated BSN vs. Traditional BSN: What's the Difference?

Accelerated BSN vs. Traditional BSN: What's the Difference?

If you’re a registered nurse interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and expanding your options, you might be a little confused about the difference between accelerated programs and traditional ones. More importantly, you might be confused about which one is right for you. Let’s take a look at the difference between these two programs and what kind of student would thrive in an accelerated environment.

What is the Difference Between the Two Programs?

The two educational programs both offer the exact same courses. You do not receive any more or any less information in one or the other. The entire purpose of the accelerated program is simply to offer the option to complete a degree program faster.

The only real difference between the two programs is one covers the same material in less time than the other. This means there is little-to-no break in between the completion of classes. A year-round educational format may sound intensive (and it is) but it can also be completed in nearly half the time of a traditional degree program. 

What are the Benefits and Challenges of an Accelerated Program?

The benefits of an accelerated program are twofold. First, when you graduate from the program you will do so faster than a traditional program. This puts you ahead of those who enroll in the standard four-year program.

By gaining two years right off the bat, you have more time to establish yourself in the profession. When the other students finish their four year program you'll be nicely settled into your role as a nurse. You may also decide to take this time to enroll in different nursing certification courses, which look great on a resume. 

The second major benefit to completing an accelerated program: demonstrated determination. You've accomplished a difficult task and in nearly half the time! This speaks to your drive and work ethic. 

The challenges of an accelerated program: you'll live and breathe school. You might have to sacrifice outings with friends and family for writing papers. You might not be able to watch the new show on Netflix because a big test is the next day and you need to study and get your rest. Saving time in the long run often means sacrifices in the short run.

What Kind of Student is Cut Out For an Accelerated Program?

An accelerated program is not for all students. You need to have a strong drive and lots of determination. You also need to be extremely dedicated to your studies, as falling behind can be hard to recover from.

Be sure that you can not only live up to the expectations in the classroom, but also know what you want to do with your life. If you are already having doubts about nursing as an RN, these issues will only become more pronounced while training to become a BSN.

An accelerated student also needs to be flexible. Sometimes clinical scheduling might become difficult. Sometimes staying up late working on a project will be required.

Accelerated BSN vs. Traditional BSN: What's the Difference?

Are you interested in becoming a BSN? If you want to take the next step in nursing and pursue a Bachelors of Science in Nursing Degree, consider ECPI University’s accelerated degree program. With an Associate of Science in Nursing Degree already earned, you could earn your BSN in as little as 12 months. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Nursing TODAY!

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