front-end vs. back-end web developer

Becoming a Web Developer: Front-end vs. Back-end

The Internet is a remarkable thing.

According to a story in the Washington Post, it had 1 billion websites, nearly 3 billion users, and more than 1.6 trillion Google searches performed each and every day. And that was in September 2014. 

Since then, it's only grown--and everyone who uses it has become more dependent on skilled web developers

The Important Role of Web Developers

In simple terms, web developers are the people who make the Internet work. They are the people who do the "back-end" development. They build and maintain the technology that powers servers, applications and databases--all the parts of a website users never see but need to get the information they're seeking. 

Web developers also work on the "front end" of websites. They develop and make decisions about everything you see when you visit a website--fonts, colors, drop-down menus and slideshows found on most websites.

In other words: Web developers do important work, and the Internet wouldn't work as well without them. This makes web development perfect for people looking for rewarding challenges and opportunities. 

The Job of a Back-End Web Developer

The back-end of websites are comprised of several elements that make the public-facing (front end) of the website possible. These elements include a server, an application and a database. It is the back-end web developer's responsibility to build and maintain each of these technology-based elements. 

Back-end web developers write the code--such as PHP, ASP, Ruby or Python--that allows applications, servers, and databases to communicate with one another. This work ensures that the website is secure, structurally sound, and easy to update when content (pictures, copy, etc.) needs to change. 

While back-end web developers might use different coding languages to do their work, they still need to collaborate with others to ensure the website achieves its objectives. Back-end developers work closely with others involved to ensure that the site is functioning properly.

Some websites need to be interactive, and others are designed to present a large amount of videos, images, or content. Many need to accommodate a combination of information and interactivity. It's the back-end web developer's job to ensure that the server and databases are able to allow the front-end of the site to function properly. 

The Job of a Front-End Web Developer

The front end of websites includes everything the user interacts with--fonts, drop-down menus, sliders, and so on. All of these elements--and more--are created by front-end web developers. 

Like their counterparts on the back end, front-end web developers write code to make websites look the way they do. This code includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition, they use various frameworks, which are designed to ensure that websites look and work properly, regardless of whether they are viewed on a home computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

While many front-end web developers have a sense of design, they are not solely responsible for the way the site looks. Front-end developers often work closely with graphic designers, brand managers, and even copywriters to plan and create websites that reach specific marketing and communications goals. Together, they create sites that look, feel, and operate well. 

What Does It Take to Be a Web Developer?

Successful front- and back-end web developers often share many traits. They are often interested in technology, are strategic, are able to conceptualize finished products, and are definitely good at working on a team. Attention to detail, an acumen for problem solving, and good communication skills also goes a long way toward making you successful in web development. 

Your Path to Web Development Starts Now

If you are interested in being part of an exciting, growing industry, contact ECPI University today to discuss your options. In as little as 2.5 years, you can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Information Science with a concentration in Web Development and be on your way toward a rewarding future in a profession that's impacting the lives of billions of people around the world. It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Technology TODAY!

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