Do Graduate Schools Accept Online Degrees?

Do Graduate Schools Accept Online Degrees?

If you have completed your bachelor's degree online, congratulations are in order. This is a significant, life-changing accomplishment. In the many career fields, however, this is just a first step and further education is required. You may be considering a graduate program in your discipline but find yourself reluctant to apply because you are unsure if the graduate admissions process will accept an online degree.

There has traditionally been a great deal of anxiety from many students who don't know how others will react when they learn that they completed their degree entirely online, but you shouldn't let this affect your decision to pursue higher learning. Today's educational environment is much different than it was just 5 years ago, let alone when many of these ideas formed. You might be surprised to find how much an online degree has prepared you for graduate-level education.

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Your Online Program Doesn't Affect Graduate School Admissions

Graduate school admissions are a little different from the process you may have been used to when you were applying for your undergraduate degree. Many grad schools may not even necessarily have prerequisite course requirements. What matters more than whether your program was online is whether or not your program is accredited.

Accreditation information should be freely available on the website of both your program and the one for which you are applying. However, if you have any doubt, you should check with the program regarding accreditation requirements prior to submitting any application fees.

Institutions are well aware that an online degree program must meet or even exceed the same requirements for traditional in-class instruction in order to issue an accredited degree, so accepting applicants from an online program is rarely an issue.

How Online Learning Prepares You For Graduate School

Graduate school is a significantly different learning experience than what you have come to expect in the course of your first college experience. As a Master's or Doctoral candidate, you may have to spend significant periods working independently.

Candidates who earned their degree online have already demonstrated the ability to work independently and this skill set is very beneficial. In fact, many graduate programs are relying more heavily on the technology that makes online learning possible in order to make the most of remote learning and research opportunities.

Being conversant with online learning conventions may be seen more as a benefit than a drawback when you are being evaluated by admissions during the course of your application.

Some Graduate Programs Are Moving Completely Online

You might be surprised at how many universities are offering online programs for their degrees and professional certifications. In an effort to provide access to adult students who may already be working as full-time professionals, many graduate schools are not only offering online programs but have moved their entire graduate learning experience online.

Although this is a time of transition for many institutions, if online learning has worked best for you in the past, it may not be as difficult as you think to find a program that will permit you to continue your education online. Online learning a graduate education has been a great match because many graduate candidates are in-demand professionals in their career field and need to balance work and school in order to work toward their advanced degree.

Do Graduate Schools Accept Online Degrees?

Are you considering attending graduate school in-person or online? ECPI University may have the program that can meet your needs and fit your schedule. Contact a friendly admissions officer today for more information.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI  University's Online Degree Programs

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