FNP Accreditation and Why It's Important!

FNP Accreditation and Why It's Important!

Many people now opt to study online because it allows them to continue to work while at the same time studying at their own time. An online program enables you to organize for practical experience in your own geographical without ever having to attend class on campus. But if you are pursuing a nursing degree, does it really matter whether the nursing program is accredited? Yes!

An accredited program is superior to one that is not accredited in a number of ways. There are certain standardized requirements recognized as best practices by the U.S Department of Education. Only accredited schools are recognized to have met the requirements and deliver a comprehensive education that ensures graduates are eligible for Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) certification exam. This exam is relevant as it allows individuals to offer services as a certified FNP in all states.

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When choosing a nursing degree program, you should ensure that it is recognized by either the ACEN (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing) or the CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education). The ACEN accredits all graduate programs. Accreditation for a Family Nurse Practitioner program is separate from accreditation for the university. If you are contemplating enrolling in an online program, you can determine the status of accreditation on a school’s website or on the CCNE or ACEN websites. Here are some benefits to studying towards a degree from an accredited school.

Better employment opportunities

Often times, employers want to authenticate the validity of an applicant’s online nursing degrees and the overall institution. Accreditation is a high mark of quality and some institutions choose not to hire FNPs who have earned their degrees from a program that is not accredited.

While others may not require accreditation for employment, candidates with an accredited degree have got an upper hand when it comes to employment opportunities. The reason for this is that nursing programs must have strict standards to meet the accreditation requirements and employers are assured that the training offered gives the candidates the ability to perform to the highest standard.

Qualifying for grants

For nurses to qualify for state and federal grants in their national research programs, they must have been graduated from an institution that’s accreditation. For instance, those from non-accredited nursing schools lack an opportunity to participate in National Institute of Health research initiatives. Scholarships and financial aid are usually available for those pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and this means that it is very rare to lack financial aid, especially in an accredited nursing school.

Teaching career

For family nurse practitioners who wish to work as professional instructors in a nursing school, many states require the FNPs to have pursued their degrees from an accredited nursing program. This opens up full-time and part-time job opportunities, something that enables FNPs to continue with their studies making education a great investment. Accredited programs, therefore, enables nurses to feel motivated.

The programs are reviewed and re-accredited

New online nursing degree programs are continually being introduced by universities and when looking for a program, it’s important for you to keep in mind the fact that each one gets accredited separately and in its entirety.

Nursing degree programs are required by the ACEN and CCNE to be re-accredited after several years. This is important to note if you want to avoid issues where you enroll in a program only to learn that it has not been accredited as you were told or it has lost its accreditation.

Residency and Internship Opportunities

Some of the most wanted residency and internship opportunities go to nurses in accredited programs. FNPs from accredited programs get opportunities to acquire real-world experience in healthcare facilities. The interns’ programs complement the students’ professionalism. The practical education makes the students more competitive globally and gain networking opportunities as they are involved in a practically oriented internship.

When choosing a nursing program, it’s worth noting that the state board of nursing can approve nursing schools even if they are not accredited by the ACEN or CCNE. Each state has its own standards in approving schools that can train nursing students in becoming eligible to sit for NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) examination.

While attending a non-accredited school does not mean that you will not receive quality education, it simply means that your ability to progress in your professional nursing career in an accredited nursing school might be limited.

FNP Accreditation and Why It's Important!

Are you interested in earning a Master of Science Degree in Nursing to become a Family Nurse Practitioner? ECPI University offers this program, certified by CCNE, at an accelerated rate, and completely online. For more information about this exciting program, connect with a helpful admissions counselor today.

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