How do you Stop Hackers?

How do you Stop Hackers?

Hackers are the bad guys constantly looking for ways to gain access to private and business email accounts. Once a hacker has access to your account, they can gather sensitive data about you and send malicious messages from your email address. Understanding how hackers can hijack your account enables you to take steps to prevent unauthorized access, and is an important part of cybersecurity. Here are five ways hackers can gain access to your email account.


Many people don't realize how easy it is for hackers to guess their password. Email users often use names, places and important dates, such as birthdays and anniversaries, to make up their password. Hackers can easily find this information online by looking through your Facebook, LinkedIn and other public profiles. Try to use passwords that are impersonal, using words or phrases that other people will not associate with you, and use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. To make your account even more secure, consider using two-step security options that add an extra layer of protection to your account.

Hacked Data

Hackers share information on compromised accounts, which means that, if your accounts have been hacked in the past, your data may be available online. While you may have forgotten about old accounts that are no longer in use, these accounts may contain sensitive information that has been accessed and shared online.

If you use the same user name and password for multiple accounts, you are much more vulnerable to hackers, as they can use the information gathered from one hack to access all of your accounts. Always use separate user names and passwords for different accounts, particularly when using online banking and other financial services.

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Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are designed to gather personal information, such as user names, passwords and financial details. Information gathered through phishing frauds can be used for financial gain, identity fraud, or other malicious purposes. Phishing emails can be very convincing, often appearing to come from reputable sources, such as banks, credit card companies or even your email provider.

Never click on links in emails, unless you are certain of their source. Email links can take you to fake sites that look identical to those of your bank and other account providers, with the intention of stealing your user name and password. Always check the name of the website in the address bar and look for the secure padlock before entering personal information into any website forms.

Connected Apps

Many websites, such as Google, allow you to sign in or create new accounts by connecting directly to your email provider, but this can increase your vulnerability to hackers. Connected websites are usually listed in your email settings as connected apps, along with an option to revoke access to some or all of the connected sites. If data breaches occur on a website connected to your email account, it leaves your email address open to unauthorized use. Only connect to reputable sites that you trust, as this will help to reduce the risk of your data falling into the wrong hands. In addition, it's important to check and monitor your connected apps regularly to make sure there are no suspicious websites listed.

Public Wi-Fi

Public wireless connections are often unsecured and can be used by hackers to gather information on other computers and devices using the same wireless network. Hackers can intercept the data transmitted over an unsecured wireless connection, so it's important to check the security settings before using a public hotspot. Never transmit sensitive data or access your financial accounts using an unsecured wireless network.

Hackers can cause major problems for email users, leading to potential financial loss, and identity fraud. Keeping your email account safe and preventing hackers from accessing your data can be difficult, as hackers are always looking for new ways to steal information. Making a few simple changes can help to prevent unauthorized access of your email account.

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The IT industry is one of the fastest-moving enterprises on the planet, with an ever-growing web of certifications and credentials that cover ever-more complicated operating systems and hardware architecture. IT employees are constantly assessed and reassessed on their skills as well as their knowledge base. Whether it is the prevalence of ever-shrinking mobile devices, constantly updated software, or cloud computing taking over local systems, it can be tough to keep up.

How do you Stop Hackers?

It’s important for anyone who wants to go into the cybersecurity field to have formal education in how to handle data breeches and help keep hackers away from members of their team or business. If you’re considering a career in cybersecurity, it’s vital to look into obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science Degree with a Major in Cyber and Network Security - Cybersecurity Track. ECPI University offers this course at an accelerated rate. Helping students move through their degree program quickly so they can start job hunting sooner. For more information on this degree program, connect with an admissions representative today.

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