How Long Does It Take to Earn a Bachelor's Degree?

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Bachelor's Degree?

Go from ZERO to Bachelor’s in 2.5 Years With ECPI University’s Accelerated Learning

Traditionally, it has taken two years to earn an associate degree and four years for a bachelor's degree. Realistically, it can take an average of three years for an associate degree and a whopping six years to earn a bachelor's. With ECPI University's accelerated learning, students can graduate in as little as 2.5 years! 

Think of it as the highway to graduation, as opposed to the lengthier scenic route.

Why is it Taking so Long for Students to Earn Their Degrees?

There are many pitfalls, detours, and roadblocks on the highway to graduation:

Program Hopping: Many students start college without knowing what they want to do. Switching majors and taking detours halfway through can cause delays in arriving at Destination: Graduation. Talk to an admissions advisor about your goals and talents if you're unsure what you want to study.

Transfer Credit Failure: Transferring from one school to another doesn't always go smoothly, particularly if the first school wasn't accredited. You could end up having to retake courses, slowing down your ETG (Estimated Time to Graduation). Do your homework before you make the trip.

ADHD U: Taking classes at random can seem like a great way to diversify your knowledge portfolio, but it can make a traffic jam out of your educational journey. It's important to know exactly which classes are required for your degree program--sort of like plotting a road trip on a map before departure to keep from getting lost.

What are the Financial Repercussions of Extended time in College?

Simply put, the longer a student is in school, the more money it will cost. Most students use some form of financial aid to afford college and as a result, end up with more debt. Sometimes a great deal more.

How is ECPI University Different?

ECPI University is a student-centered academic institution, focused on helping adult learners earn college degrees quicker, cheaper, and just all-around-better. Our degree programs are accelerated leading to faster completion, encourage foundational skills as well as mastery, and incorporate hands-on activities for practical comprehension.

Immersion: Classes are year-round with students attending class 50 weeks out of the year. Students are truly immersed in their field of study during their degree program, learning in classroom lectures, breakout group activities, weekend workshops, internships/externships/apprenticeships, and more.

Progression: Terms are 5 weeks in duration, with students taking 2 classes per term. Credits accrue much quicker and students are able to completely master each subject before moving ahead. Progress is easier to see at this pace, encouraging many of our students to keep up the great work.

Hands-On: ECPI University graduates are notorious for hitting the ground running. Every degree program includes lab activities to help students learn by doing, so that they feel confident on their first day of real work. 

What Else does ECPI University Offer to Help Students Graduate?

ECPI University offers students a variety of resources to help them move through their classes and don their mortarboards. Special services include resources such as the WAC (Writing Assistance Center), MAC (Mathematics Assistance Center), one-on-one tutoring, resume writing assistance, job search strategies, interview practice preparation, and more.

Does ECPI University Accept Transfer Credits?

ECPI University accepts transfer credits on a case-by-case basis, including credits from military education. Allowing students to take classes they need and not have to repeat what they've already learned at another institution. Check out the TES (Transfer Evaluation System) or contact an admissions advisor today for help determining what credits you have that might transfer to ECPI University.

How do I Know if I'd Succeed in an ECPI University Accelerated Program?

Accelerated programs are challenging and are not the right fit for all students and their varied needs. If you're thinking about enrolling in an accelerated program, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Do I know my strengths and the subject I want to study?
  • Will I have the time, energy, and resources to attend school?
  • Do I want to spend less time earning my degree and more time working in my field?
  • Have I evaluated all available educational options?
  • Do I like hands-on education?
  • Am I ready to make the needed sacrifices to earn a degree?

How Long Does It Really Take to Earn a Bachelor's Degree?

If you answered "Yes" to the questions above, you could be a good fit for ECPI University. To find out for sure, contact an admissions advisor today. ECPI University offers degrees in nursing, criminal justice, business, culinary arts, technology, and health science. Each degree program is hands-on to ensure students have as much real world experience as possible before they apply for their first job in the field. Don't hesitate to connect with us now to answer any questions you might have.

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