It’s Never Too Late to go Back to College

It’s Never Too Late to go Back to College

Would it surprise you to know that the enrollment of college students over the age of 25 increased 16% in the decade from 2004 to 2014? When we think of a college student the image in our minds is most likely that of a young person. But as people see the value of higher education and more jobs are demanding skilled workers, the college demographics are shifting with the influx of older students.

If you’re wondering whether it’s too late for you to go back to college, you are definitely not alone. Many people wonder if they will be unable to keep up with classes, stand out from the other students, or will be unhappy in a learning environment. The good news is, most students find the rewards to be well worth overcoming the initial hesitation.

Experience Matters a lot in Modern Classrooms

You might think your teenage counterparts have you beat in every aspect, but you have a great deal of exactly what they lack; experience. For example, if you’re working towards a business management degree and have worked in the retail field for several years, you might have the experience of not only being a manager but being managed. While the younger students are recounting their summer waiting tables at a local restaurant, you can elaborate on past experiences and situations which have made an impact on you and why.

This experience can help you navigate your classes and bring insight to your previous work. When you learn a particular management theory it might become clear why your past manager did something that, at the time, made no sense to you.

Going Back to the Classroom Might be Easier Than You Think

It’s important to remember that college classrooms are a unique challenge for students. Just because someone came right from high school and started college doesn’t mean they have an advantage. Most students find returning to college a bit like riding a bike. You might stumble at first, but once you get the hang of things, it becomes almost natural to do your homework and study for tests.

You Could Attain a Higher Position with a New Degree

While there is no guarantee for better employment if you earn a college degree, certain careers and positions are sometimes unavailable for those without the required credentials. If you’ve been passed over for promotion because you don’t have a diploma on your office wall, now is a good a time as any to see about moving ahead in your career.

Promotions at work aren’t handed out due to age or time with the company. If you didn’t get a degree when you were a new high school graduates, there’s still time to finish your education and move ahead in your career.

You Probably Won’t Be the the Only Person Your Age in Class

And that’s not including the instructor. With so many non-traditional students attending classes, and so many intuitions where older students are the average, not the exception, it’s highly unlikely going back to school will leave you the only student in class who remembers a time before the internet. Putting off going back to school due to the fear of being singled out in class due to your age, it's probably not realistic.

It’s Never Too Late to go Back to College

Are you ready to take the next step and earn your degree? ECPI University offers accelerated classes online as well as on campus. Find out if ECPI University is the next step for you by contacting a friendly admissions advisor today.

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