Recent Attacks on Cloud Computing: How Can I Keep People Safe?

Recent Attacks on Cloud Computing: How Can I Keep People Safe?

Businesses are no longer viewing the cloud as a tool. They have shifted the focus towards using it to accomplish their business goals. With the advent of the internet, cloud computing has been revolutionized and it has led to several changes to businesses in the last couple of years.

Cloud computing has provided companies with an easy way to store and retrieve immense amounts of data. It has changed from personal cloud storage to big organizations moving their data to the cloud. While the cloud has several benefits, most organizations are still hesitant to adopt it and transfer all their information mainly because of the rising security concerns.

Cybercrime is one of the most talked about topics in boardrooms and the media in recent years. It is a major concern for most organizations. Even after moving to the cloud, most companies are not proactive in looking for cyber breaches, and only after they detect “smoke” do they recognize that they have a cyber-breach. For example, ransomware makes important data on the cloud unavailable until victims pay a financial fee, usually in form of bitcoins, to get a key that will unlock the data.

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Recent Headlines about Cloud Computing Technology and Cybersecurity


According to a recent Security Intelligence Report released by Microsoft, companies that rely entirely on cloud computing are increasingly facing cyber-attacks as cybercriminals continue to explore and learn more sophisticated measures to access valuable data. According to the report, attacks on Microsoft’s cloud-based accounts have increased by 300 percent from 2016. Additionally, fraudulent login attempts from malicious IP (Internet Protocol) addresses increased by 44 percent.


The implementation of the cloud by organizations has also increased issues of account hijacking. Attackers use employee login information to remotely acquire sensitive data in the cloud. Additionally, attackers also manipulate information using the hijacked credentials.

Other strategies used by attackers to hijack include reused password and scripting bugs that enable attackers to easily steal credential without being detected. In April 2010, Amazon faced a scripting bug that led to the acquisition of customer credentials.

DDoS Attack on BBC

In the year 2016, a group called New World Hacking caused the distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) on the BBC website. According to A10 Networks’ Nicholson, the reason behind the attack was to market the online DDoS tool called the Bangstresser that delivers attacks on websites as a service.

Cybersecurity Skills

40 percent of IT professionals stated that they have slowed down on cloud adoption. Equally, the number of companies that have adopted cloud technology is 65 percent, which is a decrease from 82 percent in the year 2017. Yet, most IT professionals believe that public cloud environments are safer compared to private cloud options.

Become a Cybersecurity Student to Help Fight Cybercrime

Because threats to online safety and national security are increasing, cybersecurity professionals are required on a large scale to assist in the war against terror attacks and financial disasters. If you have the desire to contribute to the protective efforts by preventing and predicting these attacks, begin by acquiring cybersecurity knowledge that will help you succeed in this field.

A cybersecurity degree could equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to defend operating systems, data, and networks from cyber-attacks. Although this degree incorporates theoretic concepts, it is more of a technical degree. Whether you want to design system architectures using certain security characteristics, having this technical knowledge is necessary. 

  • In a recent report by Burning Glass it was discovered that 84 percent of cybersecurity jobs posted online specify a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.
  • In another survey by SANS on Cybersecurity Professional Trends, it was found that over 70 percent of respondents had a bachelor’s degree, while 30 percent had a master’s degree or higher.

How Will Formal Education Help you make a Difference?

Computing systems have protocols and software to protect vital information from invasion and viral attacks. As a cybersecurity student, you will learn how to ensure that sensitive data remains confidential and provide access only to the specified users. By learning how to use the right procedures and technology, you will be able to reduce vulnerabilities to cybercrime.

Recent Attacks on Cloud Computing: How Can I Keep People Safe?

If you love problem solving, a job-fighting cybercrime can bring you fresh challenges in the ever-changing technology. If you want to earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Cyber and Network Security - Cloud Computing Track, ECPI University offers this degree at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions counselor today.

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