What Can You Do with a Masters in Cyber Security Within Healthcare?

What Can You Do with a Masters in Cyber Security Within Healthcare?

Due to advancement in technology, there has been a growing use of electronic medical records in healthcare centers. The introduction of electronic data has phased out paper trails, making it easy to access patients’ personal information. However, despite making work easy, using electronic information in healthcare has made facilities more prone to data hacks and authorized exploitation of patients' sensitive medical records.

Cybersecurity in healthcare is no longer an option; different institutions choose to be proactive rather than reactive while dealing with the security of their information. More job openings become available on the daily because breach of security damages the reputation of an institution.

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How Cyber Security Works

The reason why hackers find it easy to compromise healthcare institution systems is due to the many devices that are connected to the network. The more devices connected that don't have protection, the easier it is to hack the system. There are also cases where cyber attackers steal portable devices of healthcare personnel and steal confidential information from it or with it. It is easy for any IT expert to log into the system and access information using a doctor's device if it is not protected against cyber-attack. Cybersecurity experts can encrypt data in devices that doctors and other caregivers use so that in case of theft, the information is unreachable and there won't be need declare a data breach.

Vulnerability of old electronic systems using old software

Another issue that significantly contributes to the easy hacking of systems in healthcare institutions is the existence of old electronic devices, which were built without a protection entity also being connected to the system. This makes the whole network prone to malicious attack from malware planted to enable unauthorized data access. Having a graduate degree better prepares you for the responsibilities that come with the job since everything learnt gets to be implemented in sight. It is quite impossible to know how to encrypt data or secure sensitive data without having all programming skills and understanding how databases work.

For instance, every day more content is put up on healthcare systems; information concerning medicine, emergency surgeries among other sensitive information. It is the medical facilities' mandate to ensure that employees and patients get this information through the hospital website. A cybersecurity officer will provide the site is safe from attackers who may use the information therein for malice and personal gain. In hospitals where the BYOD concept is applied, all devices that personnel bring with them to work should be protected from cyber-attack and any information related to the hospital encrypted.

Opportunities in the Job Market

With a Masters in Cybersecurity, in this day and age, the possibilities are countless. There are uncountable healthcare facilities within the country and even across the globe with even more cropping up, further widening your job market. Typically, the requirements are an education from a well-known institution, certification and experience. One is at least required to have a Bachelor’s degree in a computer course that focuses on computer science and programming.

Having a Master’s degree in the same computer fields or other relevant ones like databases and network administration will surely get your foot in the door ahead of other applicants. Aside from an educational background, having experience in the field goes a long way in helping you secure a job. Most of the time, healthcare facilities hire experts who have worked for federal agencies or in freelance consulting capacities among other big corporations. To get ahead of the experience setback, one can go for an internship at a local hospital.

When applying for a job, you should produce professional certification as proof of an educational background in a relevant field as well as evidence of experience. It is advisable to specialize in healthcare as a backup since many people are pursuing this career path.

What Can You Do with a Masters in Cyber Security Within Healthcare?

Are you interested in the cyber security side of the healthcare field? If you want to earn a Master of Science in Cybersecurity, ECPI University offers this degree with online options. For more information, connect with a skillful admissions counselor today.

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Gainful Employment Information – Cybersecurity - Master’s

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