Where Can Radiologic Technologists Work?

Is it just a bruise, or did the bone break? How deep is the cavity? Does she need a root canal? How is that bone healing? These are just a few of the questions radiologic technologists help answer.

Radiologic technologists are the people who operate the x-ray equipment. The ultimate goal of their work is to make digital images, but their jobs are more than simply pushing a button on a high-tech medical device.

They follow precise orders from physicians; prepare and properly position patients; capture the correct image; evaluate the image; and make sure the x-ray machine is properly maintained. In other words: It's an important job.

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It's also a job that's in high demand. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for radiologic technologists will likely grow by 12 percent through 2026.

While the bureau's data shows that most of those jobs will be in hospitals, more than a third will be in other settings. Yes, radiologic technologists have options when it comes to where they work.

Here's a look at some of the places you could work once you become a radiologic technologist:

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and clinics are the radiologic technologist's natural habitat. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that nearly 60 percent of all the people who operate x-ray machines work in state, local, and private hospitals.

And they're not just looking for broken bones in the emergency department. They're performing diagnostic imaging examinations to help determine whether a patient has pneumonia, breast and other types of cancers, heart problems, infections, and even infections.

Working in a hospital setting can require the ability to communicate with people from all occupations, manage a fast-paced schedule, and follow detailed instructions from physicians.

Mobile labs

Some radiologic technologists don't have a home base. Instead, they pack up a state-of-the-art digital x-ray machine, hop in a company car, and drive to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior care communities, rehabilitation centers, and even private residences.

Working as a mobile radiologic technologist allows you to help people who might not otherwise have access to x-rays. It gives you the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and requires exceptional customer service skills.

Government agencies

Most people have heard of the San Ysidro border checkpoint. It's located just south of San Diego and is one of the world's busiest border crossings, according to media reports.

But did you know that there are dozens of other crossings throughout the country, including in New York, Minnesota, Alaska, Michigan, Vermont, Washington, and Idaho, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation?

And you can probably find radiologic technologists at all of them at one time or another.

Each year, millions of people cross into the United States through border crossings. Some are coming into the country for vacations, some are seeking asylum, and some are bringing in products that keep the country's economy cruising along.

Radiologic technologists check to make sure they're not bringing anything illegal into the country. They use x-ray technology to examine bags, shipping containers, and vehicles. It's a job that requires a keen eye, attention to detail, and the ability to work with law enforcement agencies.

In addition to working at the borders, you could work at hospitals for veterans and the military.

Private businesses

Not all jobs are in health care or with the government. Many private businesses employ radiologic technologists as well. They work in medical research. They sell the equipment. And they provide maintenance and repair services for organizations who either rent or own the technology.

Take a closer look at a new career

If you like the idea of being able to help people, keep the country safe, and being part of a growing profession, take a closer look at a career as a radiologic technologist. If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Medical Radiography, consider ECPI University. For more information on this exciting program, connect with a helpful admissions professional today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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