Why Dental Assisting is a Good Career Choice

Why Dental Assisting is a Good Choice

Everyone has teeth. As a result, eventually everyone needs dental care. This is a great reason for those considering this field to get the education they need to reach their goals.

But why is dental assisting such a good choice? Let’s take a look at why dental assisting is a rewarding field with room for improvement and the ability to help others.

What Does A Dental Assistant Do?

Dental Assisting is a very versatile occupation with a wide variety of responsibilities. They are the backbone of a dental practice, allowing dentists and hygienists to maximize their time with patients by taking care of office duties and preparatory duties. Some typical tasks may include:

  • Managing patient charts
  • Ordering and managing supplies
  • Sterilizing dental instruments between procedures
  • Scheduling and booking appointments
  • Maintaining patient records
  • Collecting fees and accounting
  • Ensuring insurance forms are correctly filled out and filed
  • Assisting during procedures

One of the most important duties of a dental assistant is caring for patients before and after appointments. This involves educating patients on how to provide daily preventative care for their teeth and specific dental conditions.

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Dental Assistant Position?

A dental assistant has to be a compassionate individual with the soft skill set that is normally referred to as people skills. Previous experience in customer service will be a great preparation for this field. The bulk of their duties involves customer contact in a wide variety of situations, including ones where patients may be in a great deal of pain or disoriented from a procedure.

Much like a nurse, a dental assistant has to have a good bedside manner and an ability to reassure others. Experience in an office of any kind may help prepare you by giving you basic computer and clerical skills. As you may have guessed, an ability to successfully multitask is a huge advantage as well.

If one quality above all others had to be chosen, it would most likely be the ability to work as a part of a team. A dental office is a maze of moving parts including dentists, hygienists, patients and their children. A good assistant will be someone who not only is able to juggle all these disparate factors but make it look easy.

Dental Assisting Is a Great Choice!

Why Dental Assisting is a Good Career Choice

Are you considering becoming a dental assistant? If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Health Science with a concentration in Dental Assisting, ECPI University offers this degree program at an accelerated course of study. This means students could graduate in as little as 1.5 years. For more information on this degree program, connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions counselor.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Health Science TODAY!

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For more information about ECPI University or any of our programs click here: http://www.ecpi.edu/ or http://ow.ly/Ca1ya.