How Do I Become an Application Developer?

How Do I Become an Application Developer?

Software development is building the decade’s computing solutions, particulary when you consider the development of applications. Since the inception of SaaS solutions and cloud storage, more and more people have been shifting from the native desktop applications to robust cloud deployments accessible over multiple devices. While the biggest drive is better internet infrastructure, the growth also draws from the undeniable benefits of crowdsourcing computing hardware as opposed to each business purchasing its own hardware to deploy and host their software solutions.

Getting the right training and education in software development is a great investment since the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that the demand for software developers will increase 17% between 2014 and 2024. The demand for software application developers will increase 19%. This is considered much faster than average for all other occupations. With so many jobs being created to handle this need, now is an excellent time to start your path toward becoming a application developer.

How Do I Become a Cloud Application Developer?

Skills You Need to become an Application Developer

Strong programming, project management, and overall development skills will do you justice. This will make you a better team player and improve on your planning skills. Since application development projects are more than mere coding, you will have to gather and build on any other skills that will make you a practical help to the team.

Be Familiar with the Market Products

Every seasoned IT pro needs to read a book or two every month. With the tech field being as dynamic as it is, you can expect new solutions and principles to flood theapplication development field by the day. The concepts you will learn in class will be a good enough foundation to get you going but cannot be enough to keep you ahead of the competition.

You can only attain relevance by being up-to-date with the latest solutions in the market. Understanding the main cloud development platforms (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure) will not only give you practical experience but also lend your résumé better bargaining power since the managers will have something they can easily identify.

Be Dynamic and Open Minded

The fact that application development will encompass all the aspects of cloud computing and software development puts so much on your plate. You will have to understand some bit of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) concepts and some bit of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) before you can succeed in the market.

Another important aspect to consider would be integration of public, private, and hybrid cloud computing environments. Companies will always want to cut costs without compromising on data integrity. This means that you will more often than not have to mash-up the pros and cons of the different solutions to come up with an application that addresses functionality, safety, and affordability.

You Will Need the Right Training and the Right Spirit

Professional education and certification has played an essential role in shaping IT career for ages. Things are no different with cloud computing. You will need a solid foundation in software development before venturing into the certifications.

A Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science would be a great start. Such a foundation program will teach you how to write, maintain and troubleshoot well-structured code. It will also teach you important skills like:

  • Software requirement analysis
  • Project planning and management
  • Design and implementation of RESTful web services
  • Logic and decision processing that is crucial in crating robust algorithms for your applications

Coupling such a strong foundation with the right learning spirit and a couple of professional certifications and you will be on the right path to success. A good institution will offer a couple of the commercial product training modules in your degree program to ensure that you hit the market running.

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Salary Expectations

The median pay for a software application developer, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,is $98,260 per year. With the typical entry-level education being a bachelor’s degree, it is clear that you will need an accredited degree before you can launch you career in application development.

An increased demand for cloud solution developers means that you might end up working with an application development house. You could be your own boss running a freelance or full-fledged application development business. There are lots of possibilities for employment and advancement in this field.

How Do I Become a Cloud Application Developer?

If you’ve got your head in the clouds, you can turn your passion into a career. ECPI University offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Information Science with a concentration in Software Development. A knowledgeable and helpful admissions advisor can discuss your options. Contact ECPI University today to see if a degree in software development is right for you.

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